At the beginning

Oct 22, 2022 - 1 minute read

At the beginning there was nothing, and then God started creating stuff. But even God couldn’t have created anything if They1 didn’t have a language to express Themselves with.

Anyway, so before creating light there was actually something: a word for “light”, at least. Probably a few other words as well, because words are very sociable animals, they like to mingle together. This implies that God must have created language before anything else. Otherwise it would mean that language existed before God started creating everything, but then God’s reputation as The Big Creator of Everything would take a serious hit.

So either the story we’ve been told is inaccurate (maybe the direct witnesses were not reliable after all?), or God didn’t want us to know the secret ingredient in Their recipe. Some people might even go as far as concluding that the whole story is a lie, but I’m not here to judge.

That’s it, nothing else to add for now.

A tree
Morning by Bernhard Hanakam (CC BY-SA 2.0)

  1. Just in case They exist, let’s not offend God by assuming their gender. Could God be trans btw? Can God do surgery on themselves? So many unanswered questions in this footnote. ↩︎


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